March 30, 2009

Week of the Arts Festival

Excuse the lack of post recently. But this wednesday is the first day of a 3-day art festival I am co-director of and let me tell you.... this is how I feel:

No, I'm not sad the festival is here and going to be over soon, (we've been working on it since Sept. 2008.) I am sad because my God this is the biggest fucking thing I've ever pulled off and I'm frightened beyond belief.

It's scary being a big girl and having a real job. I was really hoping that whole socialite thing would work out for me.


Alissa said...

Yay! It is almost over! You are going to wow those festival-goers brains out.

Ellen Connolly said...

its gonna be great... all your hard work will pay off.

Tingui said...

Hey this is so cute...did you actually feel that hopless! Grace you did awesome!!! Thanks for everything!