October 29, 2008

French Table Mirror

A beautiful table mirror from France from the 1950's. I love how it's like an easel holding a canvas- your beautiful face.

October 22, 2008

Fire Tools

Something as mundane as fire tools someone has taken and made into a beautiful piece of functional art. Thank-God for people who think outside the box.

Two Amazing Skirts

From J-Crew kids. Unfortunately they're both way overpriced. The blue of the first one is so deep and regal while the pink striped one feels so French and playful. I wish they made these in adult sizes.

October 17, 2008

Ryan Wilde

On my recent visit to NYC I stopped into a store in Brooklyn owned by a women named Ryan Wilde. She is a milliner (fancy word for hat maker) and she had hands down the most amazing store/studio I have ever seen. Her store was fanciful and filled with dreamy, inspiring and gravity defying hats. Here is one I especially liked and tried on. This hat has also been featured in Vogue Magazine. Her website is as follows, but truly does not do her collection justice. Next time you're in NY this is a must-see store.


October 16, 2008

Napoleon's Flatware

Napoleon's flatware has been found and is being displayed (don't ask where, I forgot.). Here is an image of the design on the flatware... however the more I look at this the less is make sense.... just enjoy it and don't ask too many questions.

October 05, 2008


An amazing 3-story Georgian style birdhouse. Isn't this so cool? I recently saw one of these in Georgetown, a little bigger and more New England style. Only problem? I would never feel like it was really clean of the birds that used to live (and poop) in it.