1st Dibs, my go-to website for antiques from dealers around the globe, has finally opened a DC branch. 1st Dibs organizes it's website in several ways. You can search under location, period, item type or keyword- my personal fav.
So anyway, 1st Dibs opened a DC branch which means you can search DC area antique dealers from the comfort of your couch.
My pick of the week:
These gorgeous pair of Tete de Taureaux - rare butcher trade signs. Price- you have to call and I'm not in the mood to do it. Item made out of zinc and wood. Available through Cote Jardin Antiques:
Cote Jardin Antiques
3218 O St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20007US
Phone: 202 333 3067
E-Mail: info@cotejardinantiques.com