March 30, 2009

Week of the Arts Festival

Excuse the lack of post recently. But this wednesday is the first day of a 3-day art festival I am co-director of and let me tell you.... this is how I feel:

No, I'm not sad the festival is here and going to be over soon, (we've been working on it since Sept. 2008.) I am sad because my God this is the biggest fucking thing I've ever pulled off and I'm frightened beyond belief.

It's scary being a big girl and having a real job. I was really hoping that whole socialite thing would work out for me.

March 26, 2009

Estate Sale Sofa Frame

Awhile ago I talked about how you shouldn't buy a cheapy mamoth sofa from Pottery Barn or Crate & Barrel but instead should invest in a beautiful frame and possibly have it reupholstered. Some readers wanted to know where you buy sofa frames and the answer is you just have to keep your eyes peeled for great shaped sofas that need some love. Below is an, from what I can see by the photo, a gorgeous sofa that's for sale at a estate sale this weekend.

Estate Sale Address:

4814 Macarthur Blvd NW Washinton, DC 20007

F. S. and Sun 10am-3pm.
Here's your chance to get a great frame for cheap!

March 25, 2009

I Have a Friend...

I have a friend (shocker, I know), Alissa, who is hands down the most amazing seamstress and crafter I know. I always thought I was the most awesome crafter and even lectured Alissa on sewing techniques bu was quickly humbled when I saw her skills.

Here she is. (she likes to booze.)

And here is just a small sampling of her gigantic skills. Below a headband she admired from Anthropologie:

Cute right? But priced at something ridiculous like $28 dollars.

Now witness the skills that are my friend. Her version of the same thing:

Exactly the same!!! And awesome. Yes I know I am amazing for digging up such talented people. Alissa can thank me later.

Contact Alissa here to buy your own headband.

PS- She also made the dress she's wearing in her picture.

March 20, 2009

A new Friend

I made a new friend and this time it's not a new TV show, it's an actual person. My new friend is English and she had this amzing toy at her house that I soon became obcessed with and then did research and found a bunch of toys by the same maker:

Habitat in England!

My Friend says Habitat is like Crate & Barrel is here in America- so nothing special. But since this is Euro of course it seems special. So here's a sampling of their toys. My favorite one: A London bus (double-decker style) won't download. :(

Ice Cream truck- 28 pounds.

Tuk Tuk- 28 pounds.

A fire truck- 28 pounds.
And a black bank. I don't know what it is about this bank but I love it.

March 18, 2009

Al Hirschfeld

Al Hirschfeld was an Jewish-American caricaturist who lived from 1903-2003 and filled his days with fluid ink drawings of celebrities and politicians. It was his ability to take pop culture and transform it into high art that makes his work so special. All his images are so special and always amaze when you view them. His work is in many museums including DC's own National Portrait Gallery. You can still buy his work through the Margot Feiden Galleries.

Houdini: Sold!

March 14, 2009

Jewelry of the Renwick

As we all knowI sweat the Renwick big time. Here are two pieces that are displayed there and are just amazing.

Above: Necklace by Albert Paley.

Above: Feast Bracelet- can't remember who made it. Yes this is a bracelet. Pieces like this always inspire me to search for unique pieces like this for my own collection. Don't be ordinary!

March 11, 2009

Wisteria: The good the bad and the ugly....

I am so mixed about Wisteria Catalog. Their magazine has some great finds and then some things that make me reconsider even living. Witness: the good.

Above: a white washed finished chest of drawers.... good!

A linen plastic bag holder. Adorable and good

Above: A great limed dining table or desk- good.
Now for the bad, and I mean bad.

A dalmation statue covered in a deck of cards.... wow- now that's bad.

A mirror made to look old- bad. Just buy a real antique. Also I don't approve of the symmetry of the layers... it should be asymmetrical.

Coral? That went out 5 years ago.

Faux eggs in a spinning frame!?! Bad- just get real eggs and display them OR get old etchings of these eggs and frame them- but don't do this it makes me want to get sick.

March 10, 2009

Napoleon's Toothbrush

Yes, that's what I said Napoleon's toothbrush. On exhibit at the London Science Museum.

View their interesting collection of oddeties here.

March 09, 2009

A Great Catelog Sofa

I'm picky, really picky. Especially about sofas... Here is one I not only like I love. It's delicate but covered in a subtle colored yet strong striped fabric.

I especially like the limed wood- it's so silent. You can buy this piece through Wisteria for $1400.

March 07, 2009

The Renwick

I'm ashamed as an art historian to say I have never been to the Renwick Gallery as of 2 weeks ago. However I took my fourth graders on a field trip there and the museum blew my mind. The museum focuses on craft art which means art made out of craft materials: wood, glass, metal, fiber and plastic. Here is a picture of the outside of the buidling.

Above: The back view of The Bureau of Burearcracy- this should be down further in this post but I am about to have a heart attack trying to get it down there so let's just pretend it's in the right location.
Above: The very famous Game Fish- this is a must see in person. An example of plastic being used as high art.

Above: Another must see in person: the Bureau of Bureaucracy. At first the cabinet seems like a basic example of superb cabinetry but closer inspection reveals hidden drawers and intricate inlay.
This piece to me is truly the thesis of craft art as it takes a craft and raises it up to the level of art with the meaning imbued upon it.

Above: Ghost Clock by Wendell Castle. This is not a clock with a sheet over it. It is a single piece of mahogony craved to look like a clock with a sheet over it. The "sheet" part is the mahogony bleached to white.

Above: And finally the Renwick has a insane sized collection of George Cailtin's Indian portraits What you see is literally just a tiny piece of the collection. It is one huge room mid wall to ceiling indian painting after indian painting. It really is a must-see in person as well.

March 02, 2009

High Style For Our Little Ladies.

Crewcuts for J.Crew does it again! A fantastic array of gorgeous and different dresses for our little girls. This is the type of little girl I wanted to be, instead I wore 1960's hand-me-downs and a crocked cut bangs... oh well!

Above: I especaially love this one. It is feminine but not in your face bows and ruffles. The stylalized roses are to die for.

March 01, 2009

Plan a Date ...

To Tenleytown DC! I went to meet some old co-workers there and before I met with them I stopped by the very cool european country antiques store River House. The store was small, cozy and approachable. Inside it was stuffed with fantasitc finds and the prices weren't outrageous!

My stance on this kind of furnishing is don't do a complete house or room in shabby chic furniture- otherwise it looks like you just have a ton of beat-up furniture. Instead opt for one piece to mix up a bunch of refined furniture.
When at River House stop by 2 Amy's across the street for some delicious pizza and donuts!